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Breakers Things to Remember

Owners who rent their unit:
Please provide a copy of the lease to Great North. Download a standard blank lease here

Note: All Breakers residents are required to follow the Rules and Regulations and any violations will be billed back to the unit owner.

For a complete list of the Breakers Rules & Regulations, click the following link:
Breakers Handbook

Access Into Building:
•Please DO NOT let anyone in the building that you do not know.
•Visitors must call the unit they are visiting to be let into the building.

•We recommend using Kryptonite locks.
•Anything stored in the bicycle enclosure is solely at the Owners Risk

•Vehicles must be registered, operable and be passenger vehicles
•All Visitors must display a Visitor Pass in the front windshield
•Owners and Tenants are NOT allowed to park in visitor spots
•Visitors may only use a visitor spot for 24 hours
•Vendors can park in that Owner’s spot if the vehicle is car length, otherwise the vendor must park on the street
•Vendors are NOT ALLOWED in Visitor Spots-Violations will result in FINES to the Unit Owner and Towing of the Vehicle
•Unloading cars - please be considerate as you wait for access to your space and try to minimize the time it takes if you are unloading.

Parking Stickers:
• Your vehicle must have a parking sticker displayed on the rear window or the front window if your vehicle's back window is tinted. • Vehicles without a sticker are subject to tow.

Pool Room:
• Please make sure the wood stick is in patio door track before leaving pool room.
• Please do not leave anything in the pool and return any pool flotation noodles to the container provided.
• Do Not bring sand from the beach into the Pool room or Pool.
• Please shower off including shoes and toys in the lobby restroom showers first.

Shopping Carts:
•Please return shopping carts to lower lobby stairwell without blocking the stairs.
•Do not leave in the halls or the elevators.

Building Contractors:
•Please respect the Breakers contractors time when they are doing a job for the building.
•Please don't ask our vendors or Mike to do personal work in your unit while they are onsite.
•Work including construction, plumbing and other work that is noisy may only be done by Contractors Monday thru Saturday, 9am to 5pm.
•No work that is noisy is allowed during nights or on Sundays.
•Work Permits and Insurance Certificates are required for Plumbing, Electrical and Structural Work.

• Please break down all boxes of any size before putting them inside the recycling bins.
• Please don't put any regular trash in the Recycling Bins

• Large trash items require payment to the City before leaving them at the Dumpster.
Click Here for Bulk Items Instructions & Costs
• No TVs, Microwaves, or Appliances may be left at our Dumpster. They must be brought to the DPW-Dump on Charger St. (Revere).
• TVs and Appliances may not be left in the lower lobby. The unit owner responsible will be fined.

Water and Electricity Savings:
• If you see a light on in the Laundry or Storage Room, please turn it off to help the building lower electricity costs.

Plumbing Reminder:
• Please contact Mike or Great North for any major leaks in the sprinkler system as soon as possible.
• All other plumbing issues such as toilet or sink leaks or any other unit specific plumbing issues are the owners responsibility and any licensed and insured plumber can be called.


Owned and Operated by the Breakers Condominium Trust